Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Stoess
- Research Staff Member 01.04.2005 - 28.02.2013
- Group: System Architecture (Prof. Bellosa)
Professional Activities
• | Program Committees | |
SFMA'12 | 2nd Workshop on Systems for Future Multi-core Architectures | |
IIDS Workshop | Workshop on Isolation and Integration for Dependable Systems (IIDS), Co-located with EuroSys 2010 | |
• | Journal Reviews | |
ACM TODAES | ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems | |
Distributed Computing | Distributed Computing, Springer |
Author | Title | Source |
Jens Kehne, Marius Hillenbrand, Jan Stoess, and Frank Bellosa |
Light-weight remote communication for High-Performance Cloud Networks | Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, Paris, France, November 28-30, 2012 |
Marius Hillenbrand, Viktor Mauch, Jan Stoess, Konrad Miller, and Frank Bellosa | Virtual InfiniBand Clusters for HPC Clouds | 2nd International Workshop on Cloud Computing Platforms, Bern, CH, April 10, 2012 |
Jan Stoess, Udo Steinberg, Volkmar Uhlig, Jens Kehne, Jonathan Appavoo, and Amos Waterland |
A Light-Weight Virtual Machine Monitor for Blue Gene/P (extended journal version) | International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, May 2012 26: 95-109, first published on March 27, 2012 doi:10.1177/1094342011434815 |
Jan Stoess, Udo Steinberg, Volkmar Uhlig, Jonathan Appavoo, Amos Waterland and Jens Kehne |
A Light-Weight Virtual Machine Monitor for Blue Gene/P | International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers (ROSS 2011), Tucson, AZ, USA, May 31, 2011 |
Marius Hillenbrand, Viktor Mauch and Jan Stoess |
Towards High-Performance Cloud Computing for x86/InfiniBand Clusters | Poster session of the EuroSys 2011 Conference, Salzburg, Austria, April 10-13, 2011 |
Viktor Mauch, Marcel Kunze, Jan Stoess, and Marius Hillenbrand |
HPCaaS - High Performance Computing as a Service | Poster session of the International Conference on High Performance Computing , Networking, Storage and Analysis, New Orleans, LA, USA, November 2010 |
Jonathan Appavoo, Volkmar Uhlig, Jan Stoess, Amos Waterland, Bryan Rosenburg, Robert Wisniewski, Dilma Da Silva, Eric Van Hensbergen, and Udo Steinberg |
Providing a Cloud Network Infrastructure on a Supercomputer | Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, Chicago, Illinois, USA, June 21-25, 2010, pp. 385-394 |
Andreas Merkel, Jan Stoess, and Frank Bellosa |
Resource-conscious Scheduling for Energy Efficiency on Multicore Processors | Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGOPS EuroSys Conference (EurosSys'10), Paris, France, April 2010 |
Jan Stoess |
System Support for Distributed Energy Management in Modular Operating Systems | Dissertation, Fakultät für Informatik, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 5. Februar 2010 |
Sebastian Reichelt, Jan Stoess, and Frank Bellosa |
A Microkernel API for Fine-Grained Decomposition | Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGOPS Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems (PLOS 2009), Big Sky, Montana, October 11, 2009 |
Philipp Kupferschmied, Jan Stoess, and Frank Bellosa |
NUMA-aware User-Level Memory Management for Microkernel-Based Operating Systems | Poster/WiP session of the 4th ACM SIGOPS EuroSys Conference (EurosSys'09), Nuremberg, Germany, April 2009 |
Jan Stoess, Christoph Klee, Stefan Domthera and Frank Bellosa |
Transparent, Power-Aware Migration in Virtualized Systems | Proceedings GI/ITG Fachgruppentreffen Betriebssysteme, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 12, 2007, pp. 3-8 (Interner Bericht 2007-23, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)) |
Jan Stoess |
Towards Effective User-Controlled Scheduling for Microkernel-Based Systems | ACM SIGOPS Operating System Review, Special Topics on Secure Small-Kernel Systems, July 2007 |
Jan Stoess, Christian Lang, and Frank Bellosa |
Energy Management for Hypervisor-Based Virtual Machines | Proceedings of the 2007 USENIX Technical Conference, Santa Clara, CA, June 17-22, 2007 |
Jan Stoess and Volkmar Uhlig |
Flexible, Low-overhead Event Logging to Support Resource Scheduling | 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'06), Minneapolis, MN, July 12-15, 2006, Volume 2, pp. 115-120 |
Jan Stoess, Christian Lang, and Marcus Reinhardt |
Energy-aware Processor Management for Virtual Machines | Poster session of 1st ACM SIGOPS EuroSys Conference, Leuven, Belgium, April 20, 2006 |
Joshua LeVasseur, Volkmar Uhlig, Jan Stoess, and Stefan Götz |
Unmodified Device Driver Reuse and Improved System Dependability via Virtual Machines | Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '04), December 6-8, 2004, San Francisco, CA |
Semester | Title | Type | Lecturer |
WT 2012/2013 | System Aspects of Cloud Computing | Seminar | |
ST 2012 | Microkernel Construction | Lecture | |
ST 2012 | System Design and Implementation | Lecture | |
ST 2012 | System Design and Implementation | Practical Work | |
WT 2011/2012 | System Aspects of Cloud Computing | Seminar | |
ST 2011 | Mikrokernel Construction | Lecture | |
ST 2011 | System Design and Implementation | Lecture | |
ST 2011 | System Design and Implementation | Practical Work | |
WT 2010/2011 | From Netbooks to Smartphones: Operating Systems for Mobile Computing | Seminar | |
ST 2010 | System Aspects of Cloud Computing | Seminar | Prof. Frank Bellosa, Philipp Kupferschmied, Raphael Neider, Jan Stoess |
ST 2010 | System Design and Implementation | Practical Work | Prof. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess, Philipp Kupferschmied |
ST 2010 | System Design and Implementation | Lecture | Prof. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
ST 2010 | OS Internals | Proseminar for Bachelor Students | Prof. Frank Bellosa, Simon Kellner, Philipp Kupferschmied, Andreas Merkel, Jan Stoess |
ST 2009 | System Design and Implementation | Practical Work | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
ST 2009 | System Design and Implementation | Lecture | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
ST 2008 | System Design and Implementation | Practical Work | Jan Stoess |
ST 2008 | System Design and Implementation | Lecture | Jan Stoess |
WT 2007/2008 | Advanced Reconfigurable Systems | Seminar | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Gerd Liefländer, Raphael Neider, Jan Stoess |
ST 2007 | System Design and Implementation | Practical Work | Prof. Dr. FrankBellosa, Jan Stoess, Joshua LeVasseur |
ST 2007 | System Design and Implementation | Lecture | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
ST 2006 | System Design and Implementation | Practical Work | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess, Joshua LeVasseur |
ST 2006 | System Design and Implementation | Lecture | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess, Joshua LeVasseur |
WT 2005/2006 | Virtual Machines | Seminar | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Joshua LeVasseur, Jan Stoess |
WT 2005/2006 | System Architecture | Tutorials | Gerd Liefländer, Joshua LeVasseur, Jan Stoess |
ST 2005 | System Design and Implementation | Lecture | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Uwe Dannowski Gerd Liefländer, Jan Stoess |
ST 2005 | Microkernel Construction | Lecture | Joshua LeVasseur, Gerd Liefländer, Jan Stoess |
Author | Title | Type | Date | Advisor |
Jan Stoess | System Support for Distributed Energy Management in Modular Operating Systems | Dissertation | 05.02.2010 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Prof. Dr. Gernot Heiser |
Jan Stoess | Using Operating System Instrumentation and Event Logging to Support User-level Multiprocessor Schedulers | Diploma thesis | 24.03.2005 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Dr. Volkmar Uhlig |
Jan Stoess | I/O-FlexPages on the x86-Architecture | Seminar paper | 31.05.2002 | Dr. Uwe Dannowski |
Author | Title | Type | Date | Advisor |
Simon Sturm | Interconnect Adapter State Migration for Virtual HPC Clusters | Diploma Thesis | 18.01.2013 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Marius Hillenbrand, Dr. Jan Stoess |
Felix Pepinghege | Porting LibRIPC to iWARP | Bachelor Thesis | 24.09.2012 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Dr. Jan Stoess |
Jens Kehne | Light-Weight Remote Communication for High-Performance Cloud Networks | Diploma Thesis | 23.05.2012 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Dr. Jan Stoess |
Manuel Gutekunst | Enabling fast VM deployment and migration in tightly interconnected HPC cloud environments | Study Thesis | 31.01.2012 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Dr. Jan Stoess |
Jens Kehne | A distributed cache for fast VM booting in tightly interconnected cloud environments | Study Thesis | 15.09.2011 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Dr. Jan Stoess |
Marius Hillenbrand | Towards Virtual InfiniBand Clusters with Network and Performance Isolation | Diploma Thesis | 16.06.2011 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Dr. Jan Stoess, Viktor Mauch |
Stefan Brähler | Analysis of the Android Architecture | Study Thesis | 06.10.2010 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Dr. Jan Stoess, Konrad Miller |
Max Laier | Towards Power-Aware Memory for Virtual Machines | Diploma Thesis | 30.11.2009 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
Sebastian Reichelt | Improving Operating System Decomposition by Microkernel Design | Diploma Thesis | 15.12.2008 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
Philipp Kupferschmied | Design and Implementation of a Microkernel-Based Operating System for NUMA Machines | Diploma Thesis | 20.03.2008 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
Andreas Mähler | Batch Scheduling for the L4Ka::Pistachio Microkernel | Study Thesis | 15.01.2008 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
Christoph Klee | Transparent, Thermal Balancing of Virtual Machines in Multicore Systems | Study Thesis | 19.10.2007 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
Michael Schilli | Legacy Processor and Device Support for Fully Virtualized Systems | Study Thesis | 04.10.2007 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
Martin Bäuml | Hardware virtualization support for Afterburner/L4 | Study Thesis | 04.05.2007 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
Sebastian Reichelt | Compatibility Mode Support for L4Ka::Pistachio/AMD64 | Study Thesis | 07.12.2006 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
Sebastian Biemüller | Hardware-Supported Virtualization for the L4 Microkernel | Diploma Thesis | 29.09.2006 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
Philipp Kupferschmied | SMP for L4Ka::Pistachio/AMD64 | Seminar paper | 09.08.2006 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
Christian Lang | Energy Accounting for Virtual Machines | Diploma Thesis | 14.06.2006 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
Marcus Reinhardt | Energy-Aware Scheduling of Virtual Machines in a Multiprocessor Environment | Diploma Thesis | 13.06.2006 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
Raphael Neider | Pre-Virtualization Compiler Enhancements | Diploma Thesis | 31.01.2006 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |
Marcus Reinhardt | Cooperative, Energy-Aware Scheduling Of Virtual Machines | Study Thesis | 08.08.2005 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Jan Stoess |