I/O-FlexPages on the x86-Architecture
- Subject:L4Ka
- Type:Seminar paper
- Date:31.05.2002
- Supervisor:
Dr. Uwe Dannowski
- Graduand:Jan Stoess
- Links:PDF
This Study thesis (Studienarbeit) details the design and the functionality of IO space management on the x86-architecture via IO-FlexPages, and presents an implementation for the L4 µ-kernel Hazelnut.
author = {Jan St\"o\"s},
title = {I/O-FlexPages on the x86-Architecture},
type = {Study Thesis},
address = {System Architecture Group, University of Karlsruhe, Germany},
month = may # "~31",
year = 2002,
url = {http://i30www.ira.uka.de/teaching/theses/pasttheses/}