Author | Title | Source |
Volkmar Uhlig, Joshua LeVasseur, Espen Skoglund, and Uwe Dannowski |
Towards Scalable Multiprocessor Virtual Machines | Proceedings of the 3rd Virtual Machine Research & Technology Symposium (VM'04), May 6-7, 2004, San Jose, CA |
Volkmar Uhlig, Joshua LeVasseur, Espen Skoglund, and Uwe Dannowski |
Flexible and Scalable Virtual Machines | Poster session of 19th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP-19), October 19-22, 2003, Bolton Landing, NY |
Volkmar Uhlig, Uwe Dannowski, Espen Skoglund, Aandreas Haeberlen, and Gernot Heiser |
Performance of Address-Space Multiplexing on the Pentium | Interner Bericht 2002-1, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Karlsruhe |
Jochen Liedtke, Uwe Dannowski, Kevin Elphinstone, Gerd Liefländer, Espen Skoglund, Volkmar Uhlig, Christian Ceelen, Andreas Haeberlen, and Marcus Völp |
The L4Ka Vision | White Paper, April 2001 |
Espen Skoglund, Christian Ceelen, and Jochen Liedtke |
Transparent Orthogonal Checkpointing Through User-Level Pagers | Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems (POS9), Lillehammer, Norway, September 2000 |