Design and Implementation of Exchangeability for Linux Schedulers

  • Typ:Studienarbeit
  • Datum:19.09.2007
  • Betreuung:

    Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel

  • Bearbeitung:Bin Zheng
  • Links:PDF
  • Abstract:

    The scheduler is one of the most important parts within the kernel of an operating system. For most of todays operating systems, it is built fixed in the kernel and does not allow online replacement. Any improvements to a scheduler or even replacing it with a new one will inevitably require a complete recompilation of the whole kernel and thus also a system restart and service breakdown, which is quite inconvenient especially for commercial servers with heavy loads. Therefore, to solve this problem, the goal of this thesis is to design and implement the online exchangeability of kernel schedulers by realizing them in kernel modules under Linux. Along with this objective, we will define a standard interface between schedulers and the rest of the kernel, design and implement the mechanism of switching between schedulers and finally make tests to verify that the achieved scheduler exchangeability does not cause too much performance overhead.


      author = {Bin Zheng},
      title = {Design and Implementation of Exchangeability for Linux Schedulers},
      type = {Study Thesis},
      address = {System Architecture Group, University of Karlsruhe, Germany},
      month = sep # "~19",
      year = 2007,
      url = {}