A Stackable File System for Multiserver Environments
- Subject:L4Ka
- Type:Seminar paper
- Date:08.2005
- Supervisor:
Espen Skoglund
- Graduand:Michael Daub
- Links:PDF
Microkernels have become an important instrument in tackling the challenges of more and more complex operating systems. With the multiserver approach, they provide us with a high level of security, flexibility, extensibility, robustness and clarity in system design.
In this work, we describe a stackable file system design that is based on the multiserver philosophy. We also discuss performance issues that appear as we migrate from monolithic systems where we can easily pass data buffers by pointers, to a system design with separate address spaces.
author = {Michael Daub},
title = {A Stackable File System for Multiserver Environments},
type = {Study Thesis},
address = {System Architecture Group, University of Karlsruhe, Germany},
month = aug,
year = 2005,
url = {http://i30www.ira.uka.de/teaching/theses/pasttheses/}