Service Oriented Message Routing for the Structured Overlay Network Igor

  • Subject:Peer-to-peer Computing
  • Type:Study Thesis
  • Date:09.07.2007
  • Supervisor:

    Dr. Thomas Fuhrmann, Kendy Kutzner

  • Graduand:Dominik Vallendor
  • Links:PDF
  • Abstract:

    With the implementation of service support into Igor it has been shown, that it is possible to extend structured overlay networks to be more useful and flexible. With the support for services it is possible to use only one network for a big number of different functions. Also, it has been shown that this can be done very efficiently and scalably. It does not matter, if only a few nodes in the network support a special service or if numerous nodes support it.

    In future more work on Igor will have to be done. The plugin concept makes it possible to implement further policies. But also work will have to be done on service related functions. It should be possible to route message not only in the value overlay network but also in the attribute overlay network. Also hidden problems could appear in big networks. For example it could happen that because of caching a value overlay network will be split into disjoint subnetworks. This will have to be investigated by more testing. Particularly the behaviour of the system with regard to border cases will have to be verified. The routing has to be correct, if
    1. there are a large number of different services.
    2. a lot of nodes support a service x, but only a few nodes supports a service y.
    3. the gateway server for a special service is very slow.
    4. the gateway server for a service gets lost or changes often.


      author = {Dominik Vallendor},
      title = {Service Oriented Message Routing for the Structured Overlay Network Igor},
      type = {Study Thesis},
      address = {System Architecture Group, University of Karlsruhe, Germany},
      month = jul # "~10",
      year = 2007,
      url = {}