Achieving Optimal Throughput for Persistent Memory with Per-Process Accounting
- Type:Master Thesis
- Date:12.05.2022
- Supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa
Lukas Werling - Graduand:Thomas Schmidt
- Links:PDF
In recent years non-volatile main memory (NVMM) emerged as a technology
for byte-addressable persistent storage accessible similar to DRAM via the CPUs
memory bus. Operating systems followed by introducing direct access (DAX)
allowing applications to map NVMM into their address space, bypassing the OS
on accesses.
We contribute an NVMM usage monitor based on processor event-based sampling
(PEBS) capable of detecting accesses to NVMM performed by applications.
This can be used to interpolate an application’s NVMM utilization and perform
system-wide per-process accounting.
Further, prior work has shown Optane DC’s throughput to drop with the increasing
number of parallel accesses. By limiting the set of schedulable CPU
cores for threads that recently accessed NVMM, we also aim to improve the
throughput at high numbers of concurrent threads.BibTex:
@masterthesis{schmidt22Per-Process Accounting,
author = {Thomas Schmidt},
title = {Achieving Optimal Throughput for Persistent Memory with Per-Process Accounting},
type = {Master Thesis},
year = 2022,
month = may # "12",
school = {Operating Systems Group, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany}