Operating Systems / System Architecture
- Type: Lecture
- Chair: Operating Systems
- Semester: WT 2014/2015
Monday, 09:45-11:15, Bldg. 10.23 Nusselt HS
Tuesday, 09:45-11:15, Bldg. 20.40 HS 37 - Lecturer:
- SWS: 3
- Lv-No.: 24009
Content / Organization
The course "Betriebssysteme" (Operating Systems) teaches fundamental concepts in operating system design. The syllabus includes processes and threads, CPU scheduling, synchronization and deadlocks, memory management and virtual memory, as well as file systems and the management of mass storage.
Additionally to the classes there will be weekly tutorials in small groups. Each week, a voluntary assignment will be handed out, which can be turned in online within 7 days. You must earn a tutorial certificate to pass the module. The certificate will be handed out if you pass a dedicated certificate exam.
Caution: Students who already started the module (by taking part in the exam and/or the tutorials) and did not get the certificate, yet, will be granted the certificate only if they earn enough points in the weekly assignments. A participation in the certificate exam is not necessary. Alternatively, students can switch to the new system with dedicated certificate exam and voluntary assignments by signing a list in the Service-Zentrum Studium und Lehre between 10.9.2014 and 30.11.2014. We strongly recommend that. Starting from WS 14/15 the certificate may only be handed out after passing the certificate exam.