Software Development 23 - Dropbox-like synchronization between smartphones

  • Type: Lecture for Bachelor Students
  • Chair: System Architecture Group
  • Semester: ST 2011
  • Time:

    First Meeting: Monday, April 18, 2011, 14:00, R. 148, Bldg. 50.34

  • Lecturer:

    Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Konrad Miller

  • Lv-No.: 24510
  • Exam: Please register yourself with the following exam number: 439
Software Engineering Lab (PSE)
In the Software Engineering Lab (PSE) you will learn how to develop a software project using state-of-the-art software-engineering techniques in teams of 5 to 6 students. The goal of the lab is to get familiar with design and software quality assurance methods and to implement the designed medium-sized software project as a team.

Nexus One
Smartphones have recently become very popular and powerful. One representative is the "HTC Passion" (Google Nexus One) phone, which will be used in this lab. Such a phone can be programmed using Java, the Android API, and modern software engineering techniques.
Your assignment is the design and implementation of a program which makes it possible to synchronize a directory between phones using a centeral server. A class that implements encrypted communication with the server and makes it possible to execute the necessary commands will be provided to your group.

The project goals are:

    -    Automatic synchronization of modified and new files
    -    Deleting files
    -    Detecting conflicting changes
    -    Graphical user interface


Optional features include:

    -    Support for multiple directories/servers
    -    Progress bar for transmissions
    -    Support for techniques that improve the efficiency of the
         synchronization (e.g., transfer less data)
    -    Portability (e.g., desktop version)

Weekly meetings will be held. The time and place will be arranged according to prior agreement.
Praxis der Softwareentwicklung
Konrad Miller <millerEso3∂kit edu>