Dr.-Ing. Andreas Merkel
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter 01.10.2005 - 31.07.2010
- Gruppe: Systemarchitektur (Prof. Bellosa)
Autor | Titel | Quelle |
Andreas Merkel, Jan Stoess, and Frank Bellosa |
Resource-conscious Scheduling for Energy Efficiency on Multicore Processors | Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGOPS EuroSys Conference (EurosSys'10), Paris, France, April 2010 |
Andreas Merkel |
Task Activity Vectors: A Novel Metric for Temperature-Aware and Energy-Efficient Scheduling | Dissertation, Fakultät für Informatik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, 4. Februar 2010 |
Andreas Merkel and Frank Bellosa |
Memory-aware Scheduling for Energy Efficiency on Multicore Processors | Proceedings of the Workshop on Power Aware Computing and Systems (HotPower'08), San Diego, CA, December 7, 2008 |
Andreas Merkel and Frank Bellosa |
Task Activity Vectors: A New Metric for Temperature-Aware Scheduling | Third ACM SIGOPS EuroSys Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, March 31 - April 4, 2008 |
Andreas Merkel and Frank Bellosa |
Balancing Power Consumption in Multiprocessor Systems | Proceedings of the First ACM SIGOPS EuroSys Conference, Leuven, Belgium, April 18-21, 2006 |
Andreas Merkel, Frank Bellosa and Andreas Weissel |
Event-Driven Thermal Management in SMP Systems | Second Workshop on Temperature-Aware Computer Systems (TACS'05), Juni 2005 in Madison, USA |
Semester | Titel | Typ | Dozent |
SS 2010 | OS Internals | Proseminar für Bachelor Studierende | Prof. Frank Bellosa, Simon Kellner, Philipp Kupferschmied, Andreas Merkel, Jan Stoess |
WS 2009/2010 | Power Management | Praktikum | Prof. Frank Bellosa Andreas Merkel Simon Kellner |
WS 2008/2009 | Power Management | Praktikum | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |
WS 2007/2008 | Informatik I | Tutorien | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |
SS 2007 | Power Management | Praktikum | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |
WS 2006/2007 | Informatik I | Tutorien | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |
SS 2006 | Power Management | Praktikum | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |
Bearbeiter | Titel | Typ | Datum | Betreuer |
Andreas Merkel | Task Activity Vectors: A Novel Metric for Temperature-Aware and Energy-Efficient Scheduling | Dissertation | 04.02.2010 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Karl |
Andreas Merkel | Balancing Power Consumption in Multiprocessor Systems | Diplomarbeit | 30.09.2005 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Dr. Andreas Weißel |
Bearbeiter | Titel | Typ | Datum | Betreuer |
Eric Hoh | Vector-Based Scheduling for the Core2-Architecture | Studienarbeit | 20.01.2009 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |
Johannes Lieder | Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Multi-Core Processors | Diplomarbeit | 18.11.2008 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |
Christoph Klee | Design and Analysis of Energy-Aware Scheduling Policies | Diplomarbeit | 20.08.2008 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |
Clemens Koller | Improving Energy Efficiency Through File Compression | Studienarbeit | 03.06.2008 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |
Peter Leidinger | Energieabrechnung und energiegewahre Verteilung asynchroner Ereignisse in Mehrprozessorsystemen | Diplomarbeit | 05.02.2008 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |
Dominik Winkelmeyer | Energieeffiziente Netzwahl für mobile Geräte | Diplomarbeit | 07.01.2008 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |
Philip P. Moltmann | Workload Characterization for Predicting Energy Efficiency of Servers | Diplomarbeit | 28.09.2007 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |
Bin Zheng | Design and Implementation of Exchangeability for Linux Schedulers | Studienarbeit | 19.09.2007 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |
Martin Röhricht | Impacts of Asymmetric Processor Speeds on SMP Operating Systems | Diplomarbeit | 30.08.2007 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |
Dominik Winkelmeyer | CPU power management for SMT and CMP processors | Studienarbeit | 21.03.2007 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |
Philip Moltmann | Energy Estimation for CPU-Events Dependent on Frequency Scaling and Clock Gating | Studienarbeit | 01.09.2006 | Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Andreas Merkel |