The Performance Limits of Locality Information Usage in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors

  • Autor:

    Frank Bellosa and Martin Steckermeier

  • Quelle:

    Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 37 (1), Academic Press, August 25, 1996, pp. 113-121

  • Datum: 25.08.1996
  • BibTex:

      author = {Frank Bellosa and Martin Steckermeier},
      title = {The Performance Limits of Locality Information Usage in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors},
      journal = {Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing},
      volume = {37},
      number = {1},
      month = aug # "~25",
      year = 1996,
      pages = {113--121},
      ISSN = {0743-7315},
      url = {}