Implementation of an Orthogonally Persistent L4 Microkernel Based System

  • Forschungsthema:L4Ka
  • Typ:Studienarbeit
  • Datum:15.02.2002
  • Betreuung:

    Espen Skoglund

  • Bearbeitung:Christian Ceelen
  • Links:PDF
  • Abstract:

    This thesis discusses the necessary mechanisms to implement orthogonal persistent systems on top of a L4 µ-kernel and their implementation based on the L4-KA µ-kernel.


      author = {Christian Ceelen},
      title = {Implementation of an Orthogonally Persistent L4 Microkernel Based System},
      type = {Study Thesis},
      address = {System Architecture Group, University of Karlsruhe, Germany},
      month = feb # "~15",
      year = 2002,
      url = {}