Design and Implementation of Enery Containers in TinyOS

  • Forschungsthema:Power Management
  • Typ:Diplomarbeit
  • Datum:14.07.2008
  • Betreuung:

    Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Simon Kellner

  • Bearbeitung:Sören Finster
  • Links:PDF
  • Abstract:

    With the advent of database interfaces to sensor nets, a demand for online energy accounting emerged. Information about the energy consumption of queries can be used to optimize them for energy effciency or to bill the issuer of the query.

    In this thesis, the concept of Resource Containers is adapted to the requirements of sensor networks. The designed and implemented system provides application developers with the possibility to assign a control ow to an energy container. The control ow is then tracked by the system and all emerging energy consumption is accumulated in the assigned energy container.

    The online energy measurement system employed in this thesis is an early development version of a new system. The provided interface was not yet capable of differentiating energy consumption by hardware component. The developed energy container system therefore provides only limited accuracy. With later versions of the energy measurement system this shortcoming is easily addressable. The developed system meets the specifed design goals: low memory consumption, small program memory footprint, portability and easy integration in existing applications.


      author = {S\"oren Finster},
      title = {Design and Implementation of Enery Containers in TinyOS},
      type = {Diploma Thesis},
      address = {System Architecture Group, University of Karlsruhe, Germany},
      month = jul # "~14",
      year = 2008,
      url = {}