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A High Resolution MMU for the Realization of Huge Fine-grained Address Spaces and User Level Mapping

A High Resolution MMU for the Realization of Huge Fine-grained Address Spaces and User Level Mapping

Jochen Liedtke


GMD Technical Report No. 791, October 1993

Datum: 10.1993


This paper describes a Memory Management Unit (MMU) which can be used for implementing huge fine-grained address spaces. Granularities down to 16-byte pages seem to be possible. Furthermore, a mechanism is described which permits fast and secure mapping operations on user level.


author = {Jochen Liedtke},
title = {A High Resolution MMU for the Realization of Huge Fine-grained Address Spaces and User Level Mapping},
booktitle = {GMD Technical Report},
number = {791},
month = oct,
year = 1993,