Operating Systems for High-Performance Computing

  • Type: Seminar
  • Chair: System Architecture Group
  • Semester: WT 2011/2012
  • Time:

    By arrangement

  • Start: Preliminary Meeting on Thursday 20.10.2011, 17:30-19:00, R 148, Bldg. 50.34
  • Lecturer:

    Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa
    Marius Hillenbrand

  • SWS: 2
  • Lv-No.: 24346


Parallel applications in high-performance computing (HPC) make different demands on their OS environment than, for example, interactive applications. This seminar covers the characteristics of such parallel HPC applications, specifics of their interaction with an OS, and OS concepts specially designed to support this type of application.

Topics of the seminar are:

  • Characteristics of parallel HPC applications and parallel application models
  • Frameworks and middleware for parallel applications
  • Lightweight OS kernels
  • OS support for cluster network technologies
  • HPC and Cloud Computing

Participants will research a particular topic, and then prepare an interesting presentation for the seminar that summarizes the research. The presentations are in English or German, and should last around 30 to 35 minutes, with a question/discussion period of 5 to 10 minutes.


Basic knowledge about the interaction of OS and user-level applications from the system architecture lecture is required. OS aspects will be the prevailant topic in the seminar, but parallel programming models will provide a background, too. Expected are primarily interest in and commitment to the seminar, and willingness to research academic literature and other materials.

Informations about the course

For further information about this course, see the VAB im Studierendenportal.